Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hello, it's nice to meet you

Throughout my whole life, I've kept a journal. At the foot of my bed sits a carved, wooden box, jam-packed with notebooks full of thoughts,stories, hopes and dreams. Recording how I feel is something that comes easy to me. But sharing those feelings, is (and always will be) an act I find extremely difficult. It’s not that I open up my journal every night and scribble horrible diatribes about people I seriously dislike. No, that’s not it at all. In fact, I try very hard not to do this. It’s just that I've always felt that journaling is something you keep private—something sacred.

I've just returned from a journey to a foreign country, where I learnt a valuable lesson: many people undergo the same struggles as myself.  There were nights where friends completely opened up to me, and I realized that everyone has troubles, even those with lives that appear nothing less than perfect. I ran out of pages in my journal on the plane ride home and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I wasn't meant to keep recording my thoughts on paper. Maybe the safe place I've always indulged in (the 99 cent composition notebook bought at Target) wasn't what I needed anymore?

Blogging, I've come to realize, is like writing in a communal diary. It’s like putting your small thoughts out into the world, and connecting with those who want to hear your story.  I've decided to set my journal down for a moment, and begin a new writing adventure. Hopefully you like it, whoever you are.

Before I say anything else, I would like to give a few words of introduction.

My name is Lani. I am 18 years old and I live in a little town where there are winding footpaths and wooden bridges.  After graduating high school, I took a year off to really think about the important things: what I want to be when I grow up and the right way to treat other people. My parents encouraged me to do this self-discovery in Israel, where I could study and volunteer with other kids my age. I loved every moment of my time abroad. Each day taught me something new. It was in the Holy Land that I met my best friends, a boy I loved, and some great role models who I know have shaped my future. I will admit that there were some people I absolutely detested: but, as my mother always says over her morning cup of tea, “You can’t love everyone.”

Here are some other random facts about me:

My favorite time of day is early morning, when the sky is dull blue and the world is quiet.

I love vanilla tea and chewy chocolate chip cookies.

I’m Jewish and I’ve grown to love the Friday night prayers and holiday food filled with symbolism.

My favorite time of year is autumn because I love starting afresh.

 Books are my guilty pleasure and writing is my constant

I’m taking a risk here, writing in this blog. If anyone I know in real life should find it, I would probably crawl under a rock and never climb out. But regardless, I think it’s worth it.
Anyhow, if you have any questions or comments you would like to send me, my email address is
 Obviously I don’t bite. 
Alrighty then, have a great day.


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